Friday, August 04, 2006

An easier way to learn/use PowerShell

When I write PowerShell stuff, I end up typing a lot on the keyboard - and using command recall a lot. When you start doing complex things, that gets quite boring. An alternative is to have a work PS1 file, editing it with notepad (or another tool) and only recall the line, that executes the PS1 file. In this way you 'only' have to ctrl-s, alt-tab, up arrow, return to execute the changes and the alt-tab back to make the next change.As I hate repeating the same actions over and over again - that is the reason I love making computers do just that - why not use PowerShell to help me? This is also an opportunity to use PowerShell for a real thing.

To do just that, I made these two functions -

function workpad {
$global:workpad = "$env:temp\workpad.ps1"
"Start workpad - execute with '. $workpad'"
notepad $workpad

function execute-workpad {
param([boolean]$executeFirst=$false) if ($executeFirst) {
else {
$oldLastWriteTime=$(get-childitem $workpad).lastwritetime
"Waiting for change.."

while ($true) {
$lastWriteTime=$(get-childitem $workpad).lastwritetime
if ($lastWriteTime -eq $oldLastWriteTime) {
start-sleep -s 1
else {
"File changed - executing"
. $workpad
"Waiting for change.."
So now it is just a matter of starting the editor with workpad (and it takes you off where you left) and use execute-workpad to have the changes to the file executed automatically whenever you press ctrl-s. To break execute-workpad use ctrl-c or ctrl-break. I would have liked a version where you could use the window interactively at the same time, but I have not found a similar function to cmd's start/b (yet, I hope). Start /b is like & in the korn shell. Any feedback on this would be welcome - but keep in mind that the execution of the interactive commands must be done in the same context as the workpad script executes in, so variables can be used directly.

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