Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PowerShell V2 CTP3 – Compatibility Problem - $MyInvocation

In PowerShell v1, you can use $MyInvocation.invocationname to test whether a script was dot-sourced or not.

This works in V1

if ($myinvocation.invocationname -ne ".") {
throw "Script should be dot-sourced to make this work"

but it not work in V2, and I cannot find a work-around :(

PS> '"invocation=" + $myinvocation.invocationname' | sc $env:temp\test.ps1
PS> &$env:temp\test.ps1
PS> . $env:temp\test.ps1
PS> # does it work when an alias is used?
PS> new-alias test $env:temp\test.ps1
PS> test
PS> . test


Update: Posted the problem on connect. MS has already closed my report with a 'fixed', so let's hope that is the case.

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